Curatorial Fellow for Diversity in the Arts
Visual Arts Department – Walker Art Center seeks applicants for their prestigious Curatorial Fellowship for Diversity in the Arts.
This two-year fellowship (starting June 2013 through June 2014) supports the Walker’s goal to encourage greater diversity within the museum field. The fellowship has been offered continually since the early 1990’s. Our fellowship alum now play prominent roles within many museums throughout the world. In our terms, diversity refers to a wide spectrum of people of color, people with disabilities, age, gender and other classifications. Qualified candidates with diverse backgrounds and/or studies are strongly encouraged to apply. Deadline: February, 22
Telefónica I+D y LABoral lanzan la 2ª convocatoria para una residencia que desarrolle un proyecto de arte y nuevas tecnologías
‘Next Things 2013 – Next Space’ busca la producción de una propuesta referida a la apropiación del espacio público relacionada con los medios locativos
Telefónica I+D, empresa de investigación, desarrollo e innovación del Grupo Telefónica, y LABoral han lanzado la convocatoria conjunta Next Things 2013 – Next Space, el Segundo Desafío Global de Arte y Tecnología. El objetivo de este llamamiento es unir arte y tecnología, artistas y tecnologías, y dar rienda suelta al enorme potencial que entraña la mezcla de la creatividad y la visión de los artistas con las poderosas tecnologías de hardware abierto.
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International Leadership Program in Visual Arts Management
Deusto Business School (University of Deusto, Spain), NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development (New York University, New York), and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao (Bilbao, Spain) present an International Leadership Program in Visual Arts Management.
The International Leadership Program in Visual Arts Management combines advanced business theory and techniques together with the latest concepts and global trends in visual arts management and administration to provide a rigorous, engaging educational program for experienced professionals in the visual arts or related arts fields.
PCA Summer Creative Residency – An Exchange Between Artists and Designers – June 17–July 26, 2013
Paris College of Art
14, rue Letellier, 75015 Paris France
Emerging artists are invited to consider how their practice could be developed within the structure of a six-week residency in Paris. The residency’s aim is to enhance the individual’s independent practice by providing them with the space, guidance, and resources necessary to fully investigate a defined project. Residents work from a large communal studio; in addition, they have access to the ceramics, welding, woodworking and mold-making workshops, photography studio and darkroom, printmaking facility, fashion atelier and computer lab. Visiting professional artists, designers, curators, and writers engage with residents via lectures, critiques, and workshops. Visits to museums, contemporary exhibitions and cultural spaces in and around Paris will be organized to complement and enrich residents’ creative development.
Artists Research Laboratory
CSAV – Artists Research Laboratory is a project where dialogue and exchange among artists of different generations and nationalities stand at the heart of a unique artistic and learning experience. The lab is open to fifteen young artists of all nationalities, selected among the applicants by a jury. The programme lasts twenty-four days during which the participants attend a daily workshop activity and theoretical seminars run by the invited artist, the director, the curators and guest lecturers, as well as conferences held by artists, critics and experts of other disciplines.
The 19th edition of the laboratory, titled Meaning of Things, will be held in Como from the 5th to the 29th of July 2013. American artist Matt Mullican will be leading the workshop.
Iver Jåks Artist-In-Residency Program
SDG (Sámi Center for Contemporary Art) announces the Iver Jåks Artist-In-Residency Program 2013. Named after the late Sami artist Iver Jåks, this international artist-in-residence program offers a two months residency in Karasjok, Norway.
Sámi Center of Contemporary Art
Jeagilvármadii 54 – 9730 Karasjok, Norway
Iver Jåks Artist-In-Residency Program – The residency includes accommodation, access to an artist studio, a stipend for living expenses and production costs, and travel costs covered to and fro.
Please send an application letter, an updated curriculum vitae and a selected digital portfolio (maximum 50 MB of files) to
Applications are accepted until 23.59, GMT+1, 10th of March, 2013.
Conditions for Iver Jåks Artist-In-Residency Program 2013
1. Professional visual artists are eligible to apply for Iver Jåks Residency Program
2. Iver Jåks Residency Program offers a residency period for up to two months (minimum 1 month) in Karasjok, Norway.
3. Iver Jåks Residency Program includes a stipend of 20000 NOK, accommodation, access to studio/atelier, as well as travel expenses for the artist. The stipend covers living expenses as well as production costs. Further production costs are negotiable.
4. Available residency period for 2013 is 1st of June to 31st of October.
5. The application must include application letter, curriculum vitae and a digital portfolio. Applications are only received digitally. Send your application to
6. Deadline is at 23.59, March 10, 2013.
7. The selection of residency artist will be carried out during March and first part of April. The results are expected to be announce by mid-April. The artistic advisory board at Sami Center for Contemporary Art will make the selection. Quality of artistic practice is the exclusive selection criteria. Choice of artist will not be motivated or justified, and cannot be questioned. Sami Center for Contemporary Art administers the residency program and is the host during the residency period.
8. The combined apartment and atelier at the Iver Jåks house in Karasjok will function as living and working space for the artist-in-residence.
9. A contract between selected artist and Sámi Center for Contemporary Art will be organized, detailing residency conditions.
10. For more information: Write to or call +47 902